Pansit Bihon with Crisp Chicken skin bits and meat, and of course - shrimp! My version of pansit BIHON may be odd, but you just might like it!!
Use chicken stock to cook your bihon noodles and add your ususal shrimp KATAS (from the shrimp head); when the noodles are cooked, drain. (maintain the white color of the bihon).
Continue to simmer the broth and cook your veggies (carrots, snow peas), and drain as well; then add soy sauce and the lemon/lime or kalamansi exctract to the broth, pepper according to the right taste your prefer.
Now the chicken - cut the chicken meat to tiny bits, separating the chicken skins (dry well - using paper towels). Using a teflon pan, put the chicken skin in and fry the skins until oil is extracted. When crisp, set aside. Then add a lot of minced garlic to the skin oil until golden brown and add the chicken meats. Season with light soy and pepper. This is what you will use as the bihon topping.Finally, serve the bihon, setting the chicken meats and skins on the side (so that the crispy-ness of the skins are maintained). Serve the sauce separately.Garnish and do not forget the shrimp - since we always take pansit with shrimp sauce anyway! ...ENJOY!
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