Lay the tilapia filet in an tray, and "babad" them in soy sauce, (one tablespoon per filet) add a little water, same amount and your favorite spices (rosemary pepper etc...) then after the fish has sipped in the flavor, pour enough olive oil on top of the filet (to effect a "fry") then bake it and brushing the filet with the soy sauce once in a while.
Then when the fish is cooked, on a separate pan, saute in garlic and your onions. then pour sauce of the baked tilapia, simmer.
Top with fresh onions too and drizzle with parsley flakes, garnish with fresh ones.
Good for the HOLY WEEK!!!
Top with fresh onions too and drizzle with parsley flakes, garnish with fresh ones.
Good for the HOLY WEEK!!!
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